Where can I watch the 2024 Pun-Off?

We were partly able to broadcast live from Brush Square starting about 11:00 am until the conclusion 6 hours later. My apologies for the low audio levels and video breakdowns. We tried to cope with the changing outdoor conditions, bad camera settings, battery death, operator inattention, network failures etc. etc. When the live streaming worked it was amazing! On Facebook, sound starts at 29:32, drops, but starts again at 01:23:36! If we can, we will post fixed videos on this page later.
Same live stream may be seen on these locations.
1. Facebook Pun-Off private group (video stops early)
2. Clay Leben's YouTube channel HERE.
10:00 am -- Live Music (not recorded)
11:15 -- Introduction of Emcees and Judges
11:30 -- Begin Punniest of Show - 32 Contestants
12:30 pm -- Announcements - Rules
01:00 -- Begin PunSlingers -- 32 Contestants
Round One, Round Two, Round Three
Championship Final
05:30 -- Awards
06:00 -- Conclusion